Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Old enemies rear their heads, new threats make themselves known, and an old hub of craziness is the center of it all.
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Livvy Sandoval
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Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Livvy Sandoval »

Oliva Miral Sandoval came to in a dark corridor. She was being supported by a pair of strong arms under her armpits dragging her feet behind her. Her red hair was a tangled mess ratted and hanging in all directions. Several strands were stuck in the dried and a caked blood from several lacerations on her face and neck. Absently she wondered why she couldn't see out of her right eye, and why every part of her body screamed in pain.

"If I was the father to this mongrel mutt I would have drowned her when she was born," The man on her left complained.

"Yeah," the other agreed. "It's one thing to have your way with an alien. Hell, Lord knows I ain't too discriminating."

"I know Bill. Didn't I catch you trying to get with that Walker chick? She's got to be fifty."

Livvy felt a motion to her right that was probably a shrug, "Hey, she's hot."

"Yeah," the other agreed, "I can't deny that." He looked down at his burden, "Who the hell thought of a red-headed Klingon?"

"Aww shit, you know, probably the human in her. Filthy mongrels. I can't believe anyone would muddy the gene pool in this manner. Pretty soon there won't be any humans left. Pure humans anyway," Bill complained. "If I was Dominus I would start wiping out every alien planet in the galaxy. Finish what he started on Xenex. They look too much like humans. At least with a green blooded Vulcan, or the Klingons you know what you're screwing. That's the one thing Tiberius got right that's for sure.

Dominus? The name sounded familiar but she couldn't place it. Now, she knew who Tiberius was. That was a long time ago before she was born.

They stopped, and there was awkward fumbling as she added dead weight to the unlocking of the door. She suddenly wondered through a fog of dillerum that it was going to take a lot of work to buff the scuff marks out of her boots. Admiral Regan would be quite angry with her.

With the door finnaly unlocked they pushed it open and unceremoniously tossed her face first onto the cell floor. Groaning she rolled over and gingerly felt her face. She was pretty sure the right eye socket was busted, and her face was covered in cuts and puffiness that could only mean swelling. Feeling down the rest of her body she concluded that she was more or less intact, but she was pretty sure she felt burn blisters over a large portion of her body. "What in the ever living hell is going on here?" She demanded not expecting a response.

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Ashley Walker
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Ashley Walker »

Ashley blinked at the newcomer. There were a lot of newcomers as of late, but she was different from all the rest. She wore a uniform of an unknown origin. She was mostly human, that much was certain. Soft ridges of a Klingon heritage graced her porceline forehead. There was something familiar with her. A family resemblence, but she couldn't place it.

"Welcome to Hel," She said to the other woman.

Groaning the abused woman forced herself into a seated position. That was adimirable, and showed strength.

"Yeah, I gathered," she said dryly.

Ashley laughed, but there was only a hint of humor in it, "That's what Dominus calls it. I think it was once called Starbase Python in a previous life, but I can neither confirm or deny that."

"Dominus?" The other woman asked. There was shock in her voice. "Did you say Dominus? As in he's alive?"

"I should think that was who gave you those burns, and beat the daylights out of you," Ashley said. She stood and reached out with her left hand towards where the medical supplies were at, and a small pitiful bag flew through the air, and she caught it neatly. "I wish I had a tricorder and a dermal regenerator. But, Dominus gets off on this sort of thing. I have patched up Kerby more times than once only to have her come back in worse condition."


Ashley reached into the bag and pulled out a salve of her concoction, and some grimy rags. "That's who has us. There are others, I'm sure you will meet them eventually. Don't listen to Jack. He's convenced he will get off this station. There's only one way off, and you aren't alive."

Ashley rubbed the ointment onto the worst of the burns and wrapped them in the cleanest of the bandages made from strips of the rags. Done with the cuts and burns she turned her attention to the eye. "Yeah, that's a mess. You probably won't see from that eye again. You might if we had a sickbay, but as you can see my Starfleet first aide training didn't come with that."

"Starfleet? "

Ashley nodded, "Yeah. I hear it don't exist any more. A shame. Lt. Ashley Walker. U.S.S. East Kilbride."

The other woman looked confused, "You aren't old enough to be a Starfleet Vet."

"Well, I'm not entirely certain how old I am, but I would guess around 53. And how about you miss? What's your story?"

"Lt, Oliva Sandoval T.A.S. Invincible."

"Sandoval? As in Admiral Rebecca Sandoval?"

The part Klingon woman nodded, "Yeah. She's my grandma."

"Grandma? I had no idea the admiral had any kids."

Livvy shrugged, "She gave my mom up for adoption when she was at the academy. She had Ethan many years later."

Ashley smiled, "Never served with her, but everyone thought highly of her. She used to run around with a Nick Ryder. Jack's related to him in some way. Not sure exactly how. Nick was popular too. I served on the Tigris for a little bit. He probably doesn't even remember me."

"Wait what year is this?" Livvy asked.

"I don't know, but if I had to guess around 2418 or so."

"I'm in the past," Livvy stated. "We knew it was possible."

"What was possible," Ashley demanded.

"We were trying to harness a rift and use it as a power source. You know, like how the Romulans use artificial singularities. Something must have gone wrong. Last thing I remember before waking up in the corridor was being in Engineering. My twin brother was the scientist who came up with rhe idea. A rising star at AlphaTech."
HRH Princess Ashley
Countess of Harewood
House of Windsor

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Black ANGEL Alpha
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Black ANGEL Alpha »

"Sounds like something Jack would be able to help with." Kirby said as she stirred finally. "Future girl eh? I got a son with a future counterpart." she said with a wince as she held her ribs. "Looks like you were why the goon squad left their training class early. How bloody sick is it, when it they ask their own focking captives to help them be better fighters and abusers?" the petite blonde extended her hand. "So a Lieutenant? Must say I love the first name. M'best girl's name was Livvy. Next to my husband and my little boy, the only other person I truly loved."
Black ANGEL Alpha
aka: Kirby Ryder
Agent Now Granted Extraordinary License

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Livvy Sandoval
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Livvy Sandoval »

"I was named after my mom's best friend, Olivia Ryder. I never met my dad."

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Black ANGEL Alpha
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Black ANGEL Alpha »

"That's MY Livvy." Kirby said with a raised eyebrow. "So... your mum and her... involved?" she raised an eyebrow. There have been moments when she had considered, if she ever got free, was to try and restart what they had. And considering the Ethan Riddicks that Dominus had were all pretty messed up in the head... of course, that was yet another thing they had in common, Furyan sex was rather interesting and he had no problems with other partners either. Had she known that... she cleared her throat. "None of my business I suppose. So your from the future, which isn't good... Dominus has one of his pet telepaths scan you, they could get an edge."
Black ANGEL Alpha
aka: Kirby Ryder
Agent Now Granted Extraordinary License

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Livvy Sandoval
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Livvy Sandoval »

"No, Aunt Liv and mom never got together. Mom married a guy ten years ago. Dad's a good man."

She shrugged and adjusted herself uncomfortably, "As far as Dominus knowing too much. Does it look like I gave him anything useful? I don't know much about the Pythus War, only that we won, and Dominus was killed. I am not certain how. It may have been in combat or he was executed. At any rate this all happened before I was born and shortly afterwards. Since I'm not a history major my knowledge is limited to a five minute blurb in High School. I'm an engineer. If he wants to know about Engineering then he might get what he wants."

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Black ANGEL Alpha
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Black ANGEL Alpha »

"Gonna stop y'right there chickie." Kirby said. "Don't need to know too much about the future, you sayin' that Dominus was killed, that's dangerous intel. Also means there are going to be a lot of casualties." she gave her a look. "You said you're an officer? Then remember what I pray they still teach y'kids... tell them nothing of use. Not that name rank and serial work, they have ways of making you talk. And I hope you aren't holdin' onto your virginity for some boy, because that's goin' bye bye real quick, if it hasn't been taken already. Dominus and his men are misogynist pigs and they think that somehow keeps us 'in line'. More the other way around. Only bloody way we survived this long, took what we can while they took what they could." she got up from her cot went over to look at her. "You're part Klingon, use that. It'll keep you alive. Someday we're going to make all these pataQ's pay for this shit."
Black ANGEL Alpha
aka: Kirby Ryder
Agent Now Granted Extraordinary License

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Livvy Sandoval
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Livvy Sandoval »

She shrugged, "The doctors think one of my grandparents were half Klingon. I don't have much in me. Just enough to impart these ridges... that and the three lungs, and eight-chambered heart. Apparently those are dominant genetic traits."

"Well, that's bloody more'n we got," Ashley said. "You literally have the heart of a warrior. Don't forget it. You're young and pretty. That will help."

"It could just as well get me killed," she said sulkily. "The guards wanted to drown me because of my heritage."

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Black ANGEL Alpha
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Black ANGEL Alpha »

"Yeah they're racist as hell here... but we've all been given water torture at some point." Kirby said and crossed her arms. "Still... this is actually... kind of helpful." she looked at the young Klingon hybrid. "I trust that since you're named after my best friend, that you grew up with her? Perhaps helped train you in hand to hand? We taught my son three martial arts styles before he was seven years old. Kid was winning competitions when other kids could barely bow. Mostly her training... I helped of course, but Liv was a phenomenal teacher, patient too. I never had patience. Until now that is."
Black ANGEL Alpha
aka: Kirby Ryder
Agent Now Granted Extraordinary License

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Livvy Sandoval
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Re: Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

Post by Livvy Sandoval »

Livvy nodded, "I was. Grandma even taught me to use a kliden, though it seems I didn't inherit the ability to control the ijulna like her and mom." She shrugged, "Martial arts always came easily to me. So, was gymnastics, and ballet."

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