On a secluded ranch in a little part of Terra Alpha dubbed 'Edinburgh on the Hill' Malcolm Foster was sitting on the balcony of a little bed and breakfast watching the sunrise. A hot cup of tea in his hand, he just took in the beauty of the sunrise, what started out as an impromptu trip with his fiance turned into a honeymoon. That was one thing he adored about T'Kir, she let him take care of the place and she managed to find a minister to do a brief wedding and a few Scots to play bagpipes and a pub to have a little romantic reception for themselves and their security detail. They both agreed that there would be no 'shop talk' on this trip, for three blessed days they wouldn't be politicians they were just a couple. He should have known when he asked where her luggage was and she told him she only brought a single change of clothes outside of the white suit and skirt she wore.
"Come back t'bed Malcolm... it's still early." T'Kir said and yawned.
"Just watchin' sunrise luv... pales next to ye." Malcolm said as he took a sip of his tea.
"Ye're only sayin' that because y'want to go another round." T'Kir chuckled and patted the bed next to her. "Get that mornin' wood over here... put it to good use."
"Aye dear..." Malcolm set the mug down on his night stand and climbed back into bed.
A few hours later --
T'Kir was in the bathroom applying her make up and watching Malcolm in the mirror. "Almost hate t'go back... but with what happened... we should at least check in."
"Jon informs me that we should continue to lay low... crisis is not entirely over." Malcolm replied as he polished his boots. "We'll head to the secure cabin, where we... technically should have been but... ye'll admit, this was much more romantic eh?"
"Worked for me luv... I don't think I've ever been so amorous in one day as I've been the other day... course the ring on m'finger may have somethin' to do with it husband." T'Kir said as she walked back into the room and put her arms around him. "I'm pretty sure m'parents are rollin' in their graves, marryin' a Terran and a politician no less. Ach.... should have m'fool head examined but you didn't marry me for my sanity."
"Mrs. Foster as our former President used to say, 'sanity is over rated in this line of work.'" Malcolm replied and kissed her on the cheek. "If y'mind me askin', now that we're man an' wife... where are we gonna live? Y'just bought that big place."
"Doesn't really matter, we can maintain two residences... it's in the budget. Face it, my term could very well be longer than your's. Although somethin' tells me that you'll be Veep or even President... " T'Kir said as she buttoned up his shirt. "Congresswomen do tend to stay in office for a long time, an I like the Capitol district... they seem t'like me too. Kassie thinks I'm in for as long as I want to be in. Unless of course I run for President or I'm a running mate."
"I'd prefer my mate for now... an' y'do know we owe Kassie for this..." Malcolm chuckled. "I think she knew we were going to do this."
"Oh she knew before I said anything. Where d'ye think I got the oils we used last night?" T'Kir whispered in his ear. "And what I was wearin' under my suit? So... tonight will be the secure 'cabin' base? I can live with that... because I'm entirely not through rockin' yuir world Mr. Foster. I told you... Romulan women are exceedingly passionate when they are properly aroused... and it lasts. Oh laddie does it last."
"Good thing this Scotsman can handle it." Malcolm said with a grin.
"BUT... after we take care of a little business... and send our condolences... but like they say... 'one more child in this world to carry on...' I'm not on protection and it IS close to that time of month. I'm game if y'are." T'Kir winked her eye at him. "Of course we can always adopt too but... this is the first time in years that I've stopped taking my pills... stopped taking them last month just in case."
"I am entirely game... y'know how much I've been regretting that I've gone this long without a mate or children." Malcolm said with a sigh. "I was worried y'weren't ready."
"I wasn't until after Trinity's weddin'... never really had this kinda life and never really knew just how badly I wanted a family too. The Ryders were kind of my family ever since I defected. I feel a wee bad not invitin' any of them but this had to be just us... we can always have a party with them, renew the vows... give us an excuse for another honeymoon." T'Kir said and kissed his lips. "But... first, we have t'be Vice President Malcolm Foster and Speaker T'Kir for a little while..."
"Aye... work first... then play later." Malcolm replied as he stood up and put his jacket on.
"Aye." T'Kir agreed and held his hand as they left their love nest
The Fosters
- Malcolm Foster
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:23 pm
The Fosters
Malcolm Foster
Vice President, Terra Alpha
Vice President, Terra Alpha