Olive Grove --
The sounds of two women making passionate love could be heard through the door of Olivia and Kirby's bedroom, a trail of clothes lead to their door and a bra hung from the handle. After deciding that it was crazy to pretend otherwise, they decided to formalize their relationship and got married at Riley City Hall, it was a small civil marriage, just Lana and Vin and Big Vin and Jena as witnesses. Considering that Kirby was still planning on resuming her covert ops career and Olivia wanted to keep her personal live more private, but wanted to add that extra protection of having a spouse to take care of Little Vin, it all made sense. Plus neither of them had to change their name, it was simply a matter of changing Kirby's record from 'spouse - Marcus Ryder' to 'spouse - Olivia Ryder'.
The two had been lovers since they were teenagers, even though both had been married before and oddly enough only Olivia's husband returned from the dead, it wasn't the same, despite trying to rekindle it, it just wasn't there any more. She had changed too much, he had changed too much. Wasn't for lack of trying, Olivia and Ethan had tried to do one of their 'famous' 15 hour marathon love making sessions, but barely got through one hour.
Now, Olivia had a new ring on her finger that matched her lover's and she was laying splayed out on the bed, her purple and pink hair hanging off the side of the bed as she caught her breath. "Alright... I think... we should take a break..." she said and laughed.
"Oh really?' Kirby giggled and kissed her on the lips as she laid on top of her. "Not as in shape as you used to be eh wifey?"
"No... but holy shit... where did you learn to do that? I used to think Jena got aggressive and could make me scream like that." Olivia said with a deep blush overtaking her cheeks.
"Oh the things I learned babe... we should have done this decades ago. Why didn't we?" Kirby raised her eyebrow.
"You still had feelings for Marcus... and thought Zeke should have his dad, but... still didn't change how I felt. Course... it's not as if you and I didn't 'play' together enough even after that." Olivia said and poked her ribs. "Well, I feel good about this... and at least if any of that bullshit I dealt with over Vin and Lana rears its head, at least I've got you as my spouse. And... you never know. We may want to adopt in the future and at least we'll be married, they like married couples or at least those with a support network."
"That IS true. I can't believe Zeke is married himself... still way too bloody young but then again... you and I were only fifteen when we used to... experiment together." Kirby wiggled her eyebrows. "Still... wife. That's something I never quite imagined we'd do."
"Dad'll be shocked. Angel will be annoyed we didn't let her make our dresses." Olivia said with a laugh. "I just didn't want a big thing, I... still feel like our personal life needs to stay that. Personal. Especially with you reforming the Black ANGELs or whatever it'll be. And I have a big tour in a few weeks, that new album we recorded is really doing well."
"Always told you that you should have pursued a career in music, Angel is a great musician, but you've got way more stage presence and I may be biased, but I like your voice better... at least before you started adding more bass to it after you changed your face for the umpteenth time. I like this one, don't change it." Kirby put her hand on her cheek. "So... no more partner in the field huh?"
"I just can't... rescuing Lana was my last ride as it were. I'm fine with it, really. I don't mind being a support role though. I just can't not until Vin's at least in high school and I would be open to adopting... if we met the right kid." Olivia said with a smile. "We've got plenty of room and who wouldn't want to be a rock star's kid?"
"Remember that one we used to fangirl over? Course I think I wanted to have his babies." Kirby giggled.
"Ohhh yeah... you totally had the hots for him. Remember when we tried to get assigned to one of his concerts?" Liv rolled her eyes. "And then we did, but we spent most of it chasing that terrorist and only caught one song... and then you tried to get back stage and his manager refused to let you back, thinking you were like... twelve."
"Talk about a blow to the ego. We were 18... we were legal!" Kirby laughed. "He was... only like 45..."
"Old enough to be our dad." Olivia reminded her.
"Well when you put it THAT way..." Kirby tossed a pillow at her. "But I remember how bummed I was... and you made it better. Never forgot that. Then you changed your face the next week for that one Op."
"Wasn't an Op... I... had an actual operation, like a medical one. The artificial nose cartilage was shifting and I couldn't breathe, they had to reconstruct it, which meant taking off most of my face since the muscle near my cheek was damaged when I took that hit. I'll be honest, I didn't like my new nose but they said it allowed me to more easily take false faces. Hey I was a spy... I thought it was a good thing." Olivia sighed and looked at Kirby. "That life... it took a lot from me. Just... promise me... wife... that you don't do anything overly crazy? That you'll actually like... grow old and grey with me?"
"Planning on it. Nothing too crazy... well, crazy for us at least." Kirby winked.
"I can live with that." Liv kissed her and ran a hand through her hair. "So... should I go blonde next? Or are you not tired of the two toned purple and pink?"
"Well... you always did look cute blonde." Kirby bit her lower lip.
"When we see dad... I'll change it. Besides, Vin starts that new kindergarten and I suppose I should look like a mommy... "
"A hot mommy." Kirby winked her eye at her.
"As if we were ever anything other than that!" Olivia laughed and got out of the bed and stretched her arms and glanced out the window at the pool. "Looks like Ethan and Jena are at it again..."
"False positive huh?" Kirby mused as she got up and wrapped her arms around Olivia.
"Looks that way. Course, I think she and Ethan make a nice couple... at least we're all friends still." Olivia said with a smile. "Still love them both, but... not like what we have."
"Agreed... even if Marcus came back to life tomorrow... I'm just in a way different space. Plus our son is grown... at least in Xenexian terms. Kiera is gorgeous though, how did the boys end up so damn lucky? Jack and Kinsey... shocked those two lasted and Kiera and Zeke... she turned into a real looker. I'm proud of them though." Kirby said and kissed Olivia's shoulder.
"So am I... although you are already a grandma with their older counterparts from the future. And I you will be again with him." Olivia teased. "Oh hah... guess that also makes me a grandma now too huh?"
"Old lady Livvy." Kirby teased.
"Hey I'm only like 2 months older... " Olivia playfully smacked her butt
"Oooooold lady...." Kirby teased back.
"Oh I am getting you..." Olivia said as they dove back into the bed.
Old Ladies
- Olivia Ryder
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:22 pm
Old Ladies
Olivia Ryder
Performer and Full Time Mom
Ex-Intelligence Officer
Performer and Full Time Mom
Ex-Intelligence Officer