TAS Star of Calhoun
Registry: NCC-55749
Class: Nova
Designation: Escort Cruiser - assigned to Kassandra Kaine-Calhoun and Jason Calhoun-Ryder
Mission: Classified Intel missions - officially - private escort vessel - Non Naval registry
Details: The Star of Calhoun is a salvaged Nova class science vessel - refit and rebuilt by Jack Ryder as a wedding gift for his daughter in law Kassandra and son Jason. Officially it's a civilian owned ship, unofficially it's an Intelligence ship.
Equipped with hidden Type 12 phaser turrets, quantum torpedo launchers and a Romulan plasma ball launcher in what was once the saucer deflector dish. Naval Intel standard phase cloaking device, holographic and AI controlled drone crew. Designed to be used by 1 or 2 people or with a full crew.
The Star of Calhoun is typically parked in Presidential docking section of Starbase Byron near Alliance 1 and 2.