<T.A.S.Excalibur- March 17, 2445>
Lt. Livvy Sandoval tugged on the collar of her dress uniform as she stepped into the Excalibur's conference room. The senior officers were already seated around the table with the addition of the Trill delegates from the Science Ministry.
"Thank you for joining us Lieutenant," Captain Órlaith O'Shea admonished. "Continue Dr. Kahn."
The Trill scientist was ancient. She had to be well over her tenth decade, but her eyes were clear and vibrant still. "When the wormhole forms we'll send the probe in to gather telemetry on the wormhole and ascertain the location of the wormhole's terminus."
"Very good Doctor," Órlaith replied with a nod. "Lieutenant Sandoval is our science officer, and will be working with you."
Kahn looked at her over the table, "Young, but she'll do."
"I maybe young but ai still hold a doctorate in astrophysics. My senior thesis was on the Bajoran wormhole."
"Well, sounds like you are in good hands Doctor," Órlaith announced. "When would you like to make your first attempt?"
"We can start the modifications to the ship, and we can try our first attempt tomorrow afternoon or the morning after."
"Very good. Dismissed."
Starship Down
- Tasha Ryder
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:15 am
Re: Starship Down
Tasha was sitting near the back of the conference room, half interested in the mission, but only because Kirby thought it would be a good idea for her to get some more space intel experience. Although she really knew why she told her to go, Kirby and Olivia were celebrating a new album and wanted Leo's all to themselves.
Still, at least it gave her an excuse to hang out with Livvy Sandoval. She always enjoyed working with her and while Livvy's best friend was Trinity and Ethan's daughter Diana, they always managed to get in trouble together
"The Captain sounds a bit pissed." Tasha whispered to Livvy and smirked. "Need a hand with sensor comms? Since i'm kinda stuck here, may as well do something more interesting than going over intel chatter."
Still, at least it gave her an excuse to hang out with Livvy Sandoval. She always enjoyed working with her and while Livvy's best friend was Trinity and Ethan's daughter Diana, they always managed to get in trouble together
"The Captain sounds a bit pissed." Tasha whispered to Livvy and smirked. "Need a hand with sensor comms? Since i'm kinda stuck here, may as well do something more interesting than going over intel chatter."
Last edited by Tasha Ryder on Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tasha Ryder
Manager, Leo's Blues and Rock Club
"Among other things..."
Manager, Leo's Blues and Rock Club
"Among other things..."
- Livvy Sandoval
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:47 pm
Re: Starship Down
"Yeah, I'd like that," Livvy said with a smile. She glance back at the captain and shrugged. "You know Òrlaith O'Shea. She wasn't raised in an exactly forgiving home, and I was late."
- Tasha Ryder
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:15 am
Re: Starship Down
"Yeah well you were raised with Ryders... we have a loose concept of time sometimes. Sometimes hyper vigilant and sometimes it's like 'oh... I'm a half hour late... whatever... nothing was going on anyway.'" Tasha chuckled and put her arm across Livvy's shoulders. "It's funny though, Orlaith is technically younger than both of us, but she's way older and it's shocking she's not a Flag officer. Being Admiral Angel's protege's... one of them at least. So anyway..." she smiled slightly. "It's weird, when we were born, there was such a baby boom and then so many of US in the boom... we're like 'screw having kids.' Not that I'm against it but... still.. I feel like I spent way too much time behind a bar and not enough time living. Kind of why I'm here, even though this isn't what I was looking for, I wanted to do some sexy spy field work. Exotic locale, maybe play a character or just myself, but like wear some expensive outfit and go to some party and be all... Ryder... Tasha Ryder. Instead... I'm doing analyst work. At least helping you with the sensors is a bit more fun... my ears are sore from listening to staticky intel transmissions from listening posts."
Tasha Ryder
Manager, Leo's Blues and Rock Club
"Among other things..."
Manager, Leo's Blues and Rock Club
"Among other things..."